Thursday, September 28, 2017

Deception, Thy Name Is Tommy Waller

"I am not a Jew with trembling knees".- Menachem Begin

In Tomer Devora's  recent blog post, "There's Nothing New Under the Sun", the author explains how Tommy Waller's latest public apology tour is merely another evangelical tactic straight out of "The Book of Spiritual Warfare According to Paul"Without belaboring the point, it cuts through the veneer of Waller's apology by explaining his clever use of verbal gymnastics to delude those who already see Waller as a kosher Santa Claus. Those who are ignorant of evangelical doctrine and tactics are vulnerable to the two-faced Waller. And too many naive Jew are impressed by the crocodile tears of evangelicals. 

Waller is as deadly as any crocodile. But he is also crafty. Like all successful evangelicals, Waller mastered the doctrine of wearing a hundred different masks to fool a hundred people. One mask for prostitutes. Another one for robbers. One for the poor. Another for the greedy. And an assortment of masks to trick Jews with kipot. There are even masks to fool Rabbis, Hashem help us! The perverse spectacle of Waller's apology tour, is a direct result of the effect some of us are having on exposing this issue. Simply put, Waller and his Jewish enablers are terrified of recent revelations (see video below) which expose Hayovel's true agenda. 
On the one hand there are the shrill Jews who libel and slander us and accuse us of the same. The ones who refuse to respond to evidence, and have the nerve to accuse of us wrong-doing. They are biting back like wounded predators, with their incessant false allegations of "ruining good names and denigrating Torah scholars". All of it is untrue. 

On the other hand, you have the evangelicals themselves, taking the soft "Brother Esau" approach. Taking the punches in stride, to show humility and understanding. For the intellectually inclined, the facts speak for themselves. But Hayovel's Jewish supporters are not intellectually honest. And they are emotionally invested in friendships with these people. If they were intellectual about this issue, this would be a non-issue. Our claim is stronger. We have the data to back up our position.

Shame on any Jew whose emotional spine is so bent over, that he actually falls for Waller's cleverly orchestrated apologetics. Considering the evidence, it is astounding that ANY Jew would have anything to do with these Hayovel swine. Consider the following video from February 2017, when Tommy Waller let down his hair among his "believing" friends. Naturally, Tommy Waller is having to respond to these videos so he is working over-time to give it "context". On his own Facebook page, they keep removing these videos each time they are posted in the comments section. Why is that? Because these videos expose Waller as a charlatan who will never renege on his evangelical mandate, but will readily change tactics to achieve his results.

Two final points: If certain Jewish "leaders" don't want us posting pictures of them taking photos with missionaries, they should heed my advice:

Don't take pictures with missionaries! 

And if they were naive and unaware in the past, then they have an obligation to:

  1. publicly declare it to be so 
  2. be humble and educate themselves 
  3. disengage from any and all similar associations in the future. 
But if you take a public photo-op with missionary Mike Isley and you are in the public eye, then you can expect that we will share it with the Jewish masses, because YOUR irresponsible behavior endangers Jews. A Jew who cares for his fellow Jews has no other choice. (For more on Mike Isley:

To our frightened Jewish and non-Jewish detractors: Your impotent threats and petulance don't matter to those of us who are committed to this spiritual battle. We will not be cowed by bullying tactics. Our only concern is that the Torah truth prevails. It is NEVER personal or premised on hatred of Jews or decent gentiles. It is always about the halacha, and the inherent dangers of such toxic relationships. 

There is One True Judge. One day, all of those tragic Jews who joined hands with Hayovel will have to answer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for their outrageous actions. The day of Teshuva is upon us. May Hashem forgive those who engage in authentic repentance, and plant wisdom in the minds of those who are in dire need of it. And may The Almighty strike down the destroyers of Judaism, whether they wield the sword, or wield a hoe with the false smile of a distant brother with ill intentions. 


Deception, Thy Name Is Tommy Waller

"I am not a Jew with trembling knees".- Menachem Begin

In Tomer Devora's  recent blog post, "There's Nothing New Under the Sun", the author explains how Tommy Waller's latest public apology tour is merely another evangelical tactic straight out of "The Book of Spiritual Warfare According to Paul"Without belaboring the point, it cuts through the veneer of Waller's apology by explaining his clever use of verbal gymnastics to delude those who already see Waller as a kosher Santa Claus. Those who are ignorant of evangelical doctrine and tactics are vulnerable to the two-faced Waller. And too many naive Jew are impressed by the crocodile tears of evangelicals. 

Waller is as deadly as any crocodile. But he is also crafty. Like all successful evangelicals, Waller mastered the doctrine of wearing a hundred different masks to fool a hundred people. One mask for prostitutes. Another one for robbers. One for the poor. Another for the greedy. And an assortment of masks to trick Jews with kipot. There are even masks to fool Rabbis, Hashem help us! The perverse spectacle of Waller's apology tour, is a direct result of the effect some of us are having on exposing this issue. Simply put, Waller and his Jewish enablers are terrified of recent revelations (see video below) which expose Hayovel's true agenda. 
On the one hand there are the shrill Jews who libel and slander us and accuse us of the same. The ones who refuse to respond to evidence, and have the nerve to accuse of us wrong-doing. They are biting back like wounded predators, with their incessant false allegations of "ruining good names and denigrating Torah scholars". All of it is untrue. 

On the other hand, you have the evangelicals themselves, taking the soft "Brother Esau" approach. Taking the punches in stride, to show humility and understanding. For the intellectually inclined, the facts speak for themselves. But Hayovel's Jewish supporters are not intellectually honest. And they are emotionally invested in friendships with these people. If they were intellectual about this issue, this would be a non-issue. Our claim is stronger. We have the data to back up our position.

Shame on any Jew whose emotional spine is so bent over, that he actually falls for Waller's cleverly orchestrated apologetics. Considering the evidence, it is astounding that ANY Jew would have anything to do with these Hayovel swine. Consider the following video from February 2017, when Tommy Waller let down his hair among his "believing" friends. Naturally, Tommy Waller is having to respond to these videos so he is working over-time to give it "context". On his own Facebook page, they keep removing these videos each time they are posted in the comments section. Why is that? Because these videos expose Waller as a charlatan who will never renege on his evangelical mandate, but will readily change tactics to achieve his results.

Two final points: If certain Jewish "leaders" don't want us posting pictures of them taking photos with missionaries, they should heed my advice:

Don't take pictures with missionaries! 

And if they were naive and unaware in the past, then they have an obligation to:

  1. publicly declare it to be so 
  2. be humble and educate themselves 
  3. disengage from any and all similar associations in the future. 
But if you take a public photo-op with missionary Mike Isley and you are in the public eye, then you can expect that we will share it with the Jewish masses, because YOUR irresponsible behavior endangers Jews. A Jew who cares for his fellow Jews has no other choice. (For more on Mike Isley:

To our frightened Jewish and non-Jewish detractors: Your impotent threats and petulance don't matter to those of us who are committed to this spiritual battle. We will not be cowed by bullying tactics. Our only concern is that the Torah truth prevails. It is NEVER personal or premised on hatred of Jews or decent gentiles. It is always about the halacha, and the inherent dangers of such toxic relationships. 

There is One True Judge. One day, all of those tragic Jews who joined hands with Hayovel will have to answer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for their outrageous actions. The day of Teshuva is upon us. May Hashem forgive those who engage in authentic repentance, and plant wisdom in the minds of those who are in dire need of it. And may The Almighty strike down the destroyers of Judaism, whether they wield the sword, or wield a hoe with the false smile of a distant brother with ill intentions. 


Hayovel's Jewish Apologists

Hayovel's Jewish Apologists

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Evangelical Repentance? Or Crocodile Tears?

"Hayovel" and the Wallers