Showing posts with label Dumisani Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumisani Washington. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Hayovel Ministry's Missionary Hagadah (audio visual presentation)

The notorious "Hayovel Ministry" has a new "Christian" Pesach Hagadah. Shame on all the Jews in Israel, who are associated with this  pernicious missionary organization. When this Corona virus madness is finished G-d willing, there will be a tremendous need for Jewish employment in Eretz Yisrael. It's bad enough that Jewish communities and vintners sold out the Jewish people for the free labor of evangelical missionaries. When this quarantine is finished, with G-d's help these Jews will learn from the lesson of an unprecedented worldwide pandemic and do teshuva (repentance), cease all of their associations with missionary organizations such as "Hayovel", and start employing Jews to tend their vineyards. With G-d's help this will be an opportunity for the Jewish people to learn and grow from this latest challenge.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dennis "The Menace" Prager: Friend of Missionaries

Sunday, January 21, 2018

IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand: Part II

Update 1-21-18: David Lange of "Israellycool" has resorted to harassing/cyber-stalking me on twitter and email in response to the article. Additionally, he threatened me with a lawsuit, though I am quoting his own words and citing documentation for everything. He subsequently seems to have blocked me from his Twitter account so that I cannot respond. Clearly, he is a bully who cannot debate, and so he resorts to defamation in the manner of his arrogant colleague Ryan Bellerose, who has truly engaged in libel/slander against myself and my colleagues on many occasions. No one from "Stop Hayovel" is impressed nor will we be intimidated by this faux-tough guy. And if necessary, we will fight back legally. 

We are not impressed with you, David. You aren't a tough guy. You are a petulant bully, and personally I have always eaten up bullies for breakfast. How about threatening the enemies of Israel? As far as using your real name, where do you get off thinking you can get away with harassment by hiding behind a pseudonym. Ha Ha! Real tough. #hasbaramafia #hasbaranebs 

Attention hasbara bully, David Lange (aka Aussie Davis/Dave), and like-minded folk:

The administrative staff at “Stop Hayovel” and "The Judean Hammer” will not be intimidated by the impotent efforts of unscrupulous hasbarites to silence us from exposing missionaries and their enablers. Israellycool's David Lange recently became unhinged after reading our article "IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand". True to hasbara form, Lange leveled false allegations of libel and threatened me with lawsuits. What Lange didn't do was address or respond to one single point of the article. Hasbarites don't deal well with facts. Their knee-jerk response to evidence is to insult and defame. And to threaten to sue you for expressing a dissenting position.

As a notorious bully, David Lange is unaccustomed to being punched back (metaphorically, of course) in the nose. Unlike him, we at the "Stop Hayovel" blog stand up for authentic Jewish ideals, and we document everything we disseminate.We do it with disregard for popular sentiments. Threats of baseless lawsuits do not intimidate us, since everything we write is well documented. If anything, we have been repeatedly maligned with libel/slander by the likes of Israellycool's Ryan Bellerose, and countless other hasbarites. David should understand one thing. We have documentation and witnesses (who will testify) of genuine libel and slander, and if pushed, we have powerful legal resources at our disposal.
We are recirculating the article that triggered David Lange (aka Aussie Davis, Aussie Dave?). Of course we are, David. What did you think we would do? the article is a treasure trove of hasbara's weakness, hypocrisy, and penchant for pandering. The thoughtful reader can learn a lot about some critical issues and dangerous personalities on the hasbara scene today. It is the epitome of chutzpah for Israellycool to take Hananya Naftali (a miserable missionary creature in his own right) to task, yet ignore Kay Wilson's messianic past which she continues to deny, and to praise CUFI's messianic pastor Dumisani Washington.

Here is the article which triggered the ever-irritable Lange. As an aside, Israellycool is about as "right-wing" as StandWithUs, and as nebbish as same:IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand

*Note to the reader: Notice how I originally pointed out Israellycool’s tendency to show greater anger at us than missionary Hananya Naftali. I am not a prophet, but I predicted Lange's reaction, because hasbara is ridiculously predictable.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand

In an effort to look tough on missionaries, the weak-kneed, hasbara blog Israellycool is flexing her atrophied muscles by going after today's easiest target, the obnoxious YouTube missionary Hananya Naftali. Should we be impressed? A handful of Jews have been calling him out for years. Hananya has been honest about his efforts to missionize and 'share jesus' with Jews in the IDF for several years now. And while it is true that this isn't the first time that Israellycool's Aussie Davis has written about Naftali, his articles are replete with nebbish reflections about not wanting to attack people who do "good hasbara" and trying to show that he isn't anti-xtian. Here are some tidbits from his various articles on Hananya:

  • "I admire his passion for Israel, and appreciate the work he is doing. But there’s a big but.....Hananya, I truly hope you do not find it hard in the army just because you are Christian. Everyone should be treated equally. And I welcome and encourage your videos in support of Israel."
  • "I also certainly never suggested you do all your pro-Israel work to convert Jews. True, I suspected you might be partially motivated by this, but I also made clear I admire your passion for Israel, and appreciate the work you are doing in this regard. So to suggest I claimed all your pro-Israel advocacy is fake is disingenuous."
  • "Note: I have deliberated long and hard whether to publish this post because it calls out (again) an effective pro-Israel advocate whose advocacy work I respect. But I feel compelled to post this because of my concerns. I also want to stress up front that I am very appreciative of our Christian friends and supporters. This post is not aimed against them, but rather those people who I believe are trying to convert Jews to Christianity. And I have nothing against Christianity – it is just not for Jews!"
  • "Yet despite this good work, I have a real issue with him. He has not been truthful with us, and when someone resorts to lying, I don’t trust them. Call me old school."
  • And in his latest article: "Don’t get me wrong – he clearly loves Israel and I believe he sincerely wants to improve our situation in the world. But from what I can tell, he also seems to have another purpose, and that is to influence Jews to become Christians. And my concern is his online popularity can put him in a position to do just that, especially among younger, impressionable “fans."

Curious point: Aussie Davis has taken a stronger tone against many of us for disagreeing with the nonsensical "indigenous rights argument", than he has against Hananya Naftali for being a missionary.

Let me clarify MY position. I loath Hananya Naftali. By all means go after him. He deserves to be steam-rolled. Literally. If I wake up, and read that Hananya Naftali was run over by a steam-roller, drinks are on me. But is such a weak-kneed effort really calling out Naftali? More importantly, will Israellycool take other major organizations to task for still using Naftali in their hasbara campaigns? What about calling out "Stand With Us" who seems to have scrubbed their website's history of Naftali, but who ignored his history until late in the game, and to my knowledge has never made a statement about him? How about going after the "The Israel Project" which still features Hananya on their staff? 

The truth is that Hananya is an easy target since he brings nothing to the table. His "pro-Israel advocacy" doesn't bring money or volunteerism like Hayovel's evangelical ministry. So the cost of going after him is minimal. At this point, most Jewish organizations cannot afford to ignore his overt missionizing. But will Israellycool have the courage to go after the more prominent players who still associate with him? And its not just about organizations. Will Israellycool go after vlogger Ben Goldstein for shamelessly flaunting his friendship with this scrawny and obnoxious menace on Facebook?

Aussie Davis is trying to appear tough on this issue. I have a challenge for him:

How about going after the dangerous Hayovel ministry who have their headquarters in the religious community of Har Bracha in the Shomron? How about calling out the town's Rabbi Melamed for giving them a refuge in his closed community? (R' Melamed calls them rghtoeus gentiles, but I bet he wouldn't allow his own grandchildren to go unsupervised within a football field's distance of Waller and crew.) How about calling out the army of Jews who enable them and help mainstream them in Israeli society? Hayovel and Tommy Waller are still peddling "replacement theology" (despite his assertion otherwise) through the clever tactics of "restoration", which amount to the same thing. Will Israellycool go after Hayovel and the belligerent Jews who support him? Highly unlikely. Start your education Aussie:

How about CUFI's Dumisani Washington*, who heads a messianic congregation in California? Israellycool saw fit to feature a story where Dumisani's congregation evacuated their building in solidarity with Israelis suffering from rocket attacks in Gaza. But IsraellyCool never saw fit to explore Dumisani Washington's messianic congregation. They can start here:

How about calling out Kay Wilson for never admitting or repenting from her documented messianic past? If she cannot be honest about her past, how can such a person be used for hasbara in the future? Yet Kay Wilson writes for Israellycool!*

Davis mentions new discoveries about Naftali that he finds online. How about taking an equally diligent look at Kay Wilson's past (which despite her efforts to scrub the internet) can still be found online? Start with the following article by Nathaniel Feingold. It's dishonest to go after one missionary while ignoring the past of another: Will Aussie Davis even read Feingold's well researched article?

As an aside Aussie, remember when you had this to say about Wilson's murdered friend, the missionary Kristine Luken? "She sounds like she was a special person. May her memory be blessed." Blessed? A person who worked with the CMJ (along with Kay Wilson), a charnel house of aggressive missionizing in Israel? (For more on the notorious CMJ/article by JewishIsrael)

Further reading on Kay Wilson:

A final word for Aussie Davis:

When you've digested all of this unsettling material, integrity demands the immediate implementation of extreme changes at Israellycool. And if you are honest, you are going to have to start the unpleasant process of cleaning-house, starting of course with the dishonest Ms. Kay Wilson, and the buffoon mentioned below*. Naturally, I expect none of this to occur, and you can expect at least a handful of us to continue to expose you and your ilk who defend and enable many of the spiritual enemies of the Jewish people, in the name of respectable hasbara

But enough of your smug and self-righteous attempts to appear strong on the issue of combating missionaries. Nothing could be further from the truth. You lack the spine to even give a proper whipping to Hananya, and your criticism is peppered with apologetics and appreciation for his "good work". Your time would be better spent kvetching about the BDS movement and Roger Waters. That is after all, your bread and butter. 

Israellycool is a classic example of contemporary hasbara masquerading as Israel advocacy. Those who have little understanding of the issues cannot take a proper Jewish position on anything. 

SLIDESHOW: For those who refuse to read.* A presentation of Kay Wilson's past:

*Not surprisingly, both Kay Wilson & Dumisani Washington are defended by hasbara's gentile token and faux-indigenous activist, Ryan Bellerose, who was recently fired by Bnai Brith for incompetence. And lest we forget, Ryan also writes for Israellycool, where he babbles about fictitious indigenous rights and forgets that he is an angry white man who until recently identified as a conservative Roman-Catholic. When not on Facebook, Ryan enjoys gaming and eating and not writing that promised book on "indigenous rights" for which he raised over 21,000 dollars on GoFundMe. This raises the question. Can Israellycool do anything right?

IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand

In an effort to look tough on missionaries, the weak-kneed, hasbara blog Israellycool is flexing her atrophied muscles by going after today's easiest target, the obnoxious YouTube missionary Hananya Naftali. Should we be impressed? A handful of Jews have been calling him out for years. Hananya has been honest about his efforts to missionize and 'share jesus' with Jews in the IDF for several years now. And while it is true that this isn't the first time that Israellycool's Aussie Davis has written about Naftali, his articles are replete with nebbish reflections about not wanting to attack people who do "good hasbara" and trying to show that he isn't anti-xtian. Here are some tidbits from his various articles on Hananya:

  • "I admire his passion for Israel, and appreciate the work he is doing. But there’s a big but.....Hananya, I truly hope you do not find it hard in the army just because you are Christian. Everyone should be treated equally. And I welcome and encourage your videos in support of Israel."
  • "I also certainly never suggested you do all your pro-Israel work to convert Jews. True, I suspected you might be partially motivated by this, but I also made clear I admire your passion for Israel, and appreciate the work you are doing in this regard. So to suggest I claimed all your pro-Israel advocacy is fake is disingenuous."
  • "Note: I have deliberated long and hard whether to publish this post because it calls out (again) an effective pro-Israel advocate whose advocacy work I respect. But I feel compelled to post this because of my concerns. I also want to stress up front that I am very appreciative of our Christian friends and supporters. This post is not aimed against them, but rather those people who I believe are trying to convert Jews to Christianity. And I have nothing against Christianity – it is just not for Jews!"
  • "Yet despite this good work, I have a real issue with him. He has not been truthful with us, and when someone resorts to lying, I don’t trust them. Call me old school."
  • And in his latest article: "Don’t get me wrong – he clearly loves Israel and I believe he sincerely wants to improve our situation in the world. But from what I can tell, he also seems to have another purpose, and that is to influence Jews to become Christians. And my concern is his online popularity can put him in a position to do just that, especially among younger, impressionable “fans."

Curious point: Aussie Davis has taken a stronger tone against many of us for disagreeing with the nonsensical "indigenous rights argument", than he has against Hananya Naftali for being a missionary.

Let me clarify MY position. I loath Hananya Naftali. By all means go after him. He deserves to be steam-rolled. Literally. If I wake up, and read that Hananya Naftali was run over by a steam-roller, drinks are on me. But is such a weak-kneed effort really calling out Naftali? More importantly, will Israellycool take other major organizations to task for still using Naftali in their hasbara campaigns? What about calling out "Stand With Us" who seems to have scrubbed their website's history of Naftali, but who ignored his history until late in the game, and to my knowledge has never made a statement about him? How about going after the "The Israel Project" which still features Hananya on their staff? 

The truth is that Hananya is an easy target since he brings nothing to the table. His "pro-Israel advocacy" doesn't bring money or volunteerism like Hayovel's evangelical ministry. So the cost of going after him is minimal. At this point, most Jewish organizations cannot afford to ignore his overt missionizing. But will Israellycool have the courage to go after the more prominent players who still associate with him? And its not just about organizations. Will Israellycool go after vlogger Ben Goldstein for shamelessly flaunting his friendship with this scrawny and obnoxious menace on Facebook?

Aussie Davis is trying to appear tough on this issue. I have a challenge for him:

How about going after the dangerous Hayovel ministry who have their headquarters in the religious community of Har Bracha in the Shomron? How about calling out the town's Rabbi Melamed for giving them a refuge in his closed community? (R' Melamed calls them rghtoeus gentiles, but I bet he wouldn't allow his own grandchildren to go unsupervised within a football field's distance of Waller and crew.) How about calling out the army of Jews who enable them and help mainstream them in Israeli society? Hayovel and Tommy Waller are still peddling "replacement theology" (despite his assertion otherwise) through the clever tactics of "restoration", which amount to the same thing. Will Israellycool go after Hayovel and the belligerent Jews who support him? Highly unlikely. Start your education Aussie:

How about CUFI's Dumisani Washington*, who heads a messianic congregation in California? Israellycool saw fit to feature a story where Dumisani's congregation evacuated their building in solidarity with Israelis suffering from rocket attacks in Gaza. But IsraellyCool never saw fit to explore Dumisani Washington's messianic congregation. They can start here:

How about calling out Kay Wilson for never admitting or repenting from her documented messianic past? If she cannot be honest about her past, how can such a person be used for hasbara in the future? Yet Kay Wilson writes for Israellycool!*

Davis mentions new discoveries about Naftali that he finds online. How about taking an equally diligent look at Kay Wilson's past (which despite her efforts to scrub the internet) can still be found online? Start with the following article by Nathaniel Feingold. It's dishonest to go after one missionary while ignoring the past of another: Will Aussie Davis even read Feingold's well researched article?

As an aside Aussie, remember when you had this to say about Wilson's murdered friend, the missionary Kristine Luken? "She sounds like she was a special person. May her memory be blessed." Blessed? A person who worked with the CMJ (along with Kay Wilson), a charnel house of aggressive missionizing in Israel? (For more on the notorious CMJ/article by JewishIsrael)

Further reading on Kay Wilson:

A final word for Aussie Davis:

When you've digested all of this unsettling material, integrity demands the immediate implementation of extreme changes at Israellycool. And if you are honest, you are going to have to start the unpleasant process of cleaning-house, starting of course with the dishonest Ms. Kay Wilson, and the buffoon mentioned below*. Naturally, I expect none of this to occur, and you can expect at least a handful of us to continue to expose you and your ilk who defend and enable many of the spiritual enemies of the Jewish people, in the name of respectable hasbara

But enough of your smug and self-righteous attempts to appear strong on the issue of combating missionaries. Nothing could be further from the truth. You lack the spine to even give a proper whipping to Hananya, and your criticism is peppered with apologetics and appreciation for his "good work". Your time would be better spent kvetching about the BDS movement and Roger Waters. That is after all, your bread and butter. 

Israellycool is a classic example of contemporary hasbara masquerading as Israel advocacy. Those who have little understanding of the issues cannot take a proper Jewish position on anything. 

SLIDESHOW: For those who refuse to read.* A presentation of Kay Wilson's past:

*Not surprisingly, both Kay Wilson & Dumisani Washington are defended by hasbara's gentile token and faux-indigenous activist, Ryan Bellerose, who was recently fired by Bnai Brith for incompetence. And lest we forget, Ryan also writes for Israellycool, where he babbles about fictitious indigenous rights and forgets that he is an angry white man who until recently identified as a conservative Roman-Catholic. When not on Facebook, Ryan enjoys gaming and eating and not writing that promised book on "indigenous rights" for which he raised over 21,000 dollars on GoFundMe. This raises the question. Can Israellycool do anything right?

"Hayovel" and the Wallers