Monday, January 28, 2019

Those Who Can't Debate Defame - A Response and A Clarification 

We at "Stop Hayovel" have several disagreements with many of the participants of "The Judean Roundtable". But neither I nor my colleague Moshe Schwartz have ever called them missionaries or accused them of engaging in missionary behavior. G-d forbid! Those who wish to understand the nature of our concerns should address them with us, provided they have the facts and not the false tales of those who would rather malign than debate the issues.

Those who associate and partner with the likes of Tommy Waller of Hayovel Ministry, Hananya Naftali, Jim Garlow/Rosemary Schindler of Skyline Church, and Mike Huckabee (among other people) should rightfully be called out. After all, this is forbidden territory for Torah minded Jews. Once upon a time this was common sense.

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"Hayovel" and the Wallers