Monday, April 6, 2020

Hayovel Ministry's Missionary Hagadah (audio visual presentation)

The notorious "Hayovel Ministry" has a new "Christian" Pesach Hagadah. Shame on all the Jews in Israel, who are associated with this  pernicious missionary organization. When this Corona virus madness is finished G-d willing, there will be a tremendous need for Jewish employment in Eretz Yisrael. It's bad enough that Jewish communities and vintners sold out the Jewish people for the free labor of evangelical missionaries. When this quarantine is finished, with G-d's help these Jews will learn from the lesson of an unprecedented worldwide pandemic and do teshuva (repentance), cease all of their associations with missionary organizations such as "Hayovel", and start employing Jews to tend their vineyards. With G-d's help this will be an opportunity for the Jewish people to learn and grow from this latest challenge.

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"Hayovel" and the Wallers