Friday, February 23, 2018

Our Orphaned Generation

“Woe to our orphan generation.” -Rabbi Meir Kahane

The following meme was  recently circulated on Facebook, following the outrageous spectacle of religious Jews "studying Torah" with evangelical missionaries in the Knesset. Fortunately, the meme's simple message was right on target and it was perceived as such by many sensible Jews who shared it widely on social media. Sadly I cannot give kudos to the anonymous person who created it, but I can share it and provide some additional context. I feel confident that the meme's creator would agree with my sentiments.

In the past, Yishai Fleisher and a host of other self-appointed religious Jewish advocates slandered those of at the “Stop Hayovel” blog who fight the missionary menace. Our crime? We pointed out their public associations with evangelical missionaries. We made no accusations that THEY themselves are missionaries, but we correctly pointed out that they are aligned with some of the most dangerous evangelical missionaries on the scene today.

There is no choice for any Jew who is concerned with this menace. We cannot remain silent while these outrages persist. So we must be aggressive and uncompromising as we publicize ugly truths. With this in mind, it must be said that the recent “Torah session” in the Knesset with notorious missionaries constituted an unprecedented chillul HaShem

Fact: Hayovel are a missionary organization. We have documented it ad nauseum for years now, along with other activists, who’ve documented Hayovel’s clever journey to plant roots in Israel. The evidence is overwhelming. 

Fact: Dr. Jim Garlow and Rosemary Schindler of the missionary Skyline Church are spiritual predators. 

To be blunt. This was indeed a “Torah” session with missionaries. This was worse than mere interfaith-dialogue, which is halachically prohibited. Yet Fleisher boasts and speaks of dreams in his Facebook post (see image on left). His dream is our nightmare. Research Skyline Church, Dr. Jim Garlow and Rosemary Schindler, yemach sh’mam v’zichram.

This abomination in the Knesset was nothing less than the fusion of baal with Torah.Something to tear kriya over, and not something to celebrate. Something against Torah and sanity. Something which trampled on Rav Soloveitchik’s ironclad ruling opposing interfaith dialogue, as found in his classic essay “Confrontation”

Funny how Fleisher mentions the “Schindler Society” but neglects to mention their leadership of the missionary Skyline Church, which is merged with a messianic “Jewish” congregation targeting Jews. The Tree of Life Messianic Jewish Congregation. 

So enough of this nonsense of denying what is apparent. Shame on Tuly Weisz, Yishai Fleisher, Yehuda Glick, and any other Jewish attendee. Those who wear head-coverings and purport to speak in the name of Torah will have to answer for this public abomination. Truly, we are an orphaned generation. 
  • When will good Jews, both the religious leadership and laity, speak out against this outrage? 
  • When will religious Jewry unite with an uncompromising voice of outrage, on an issue which should resonate across the religious continuum? 
  • And when will those Jews who have the chutzpah to flaunt these associations, be excoriated and ostracized for this egregious behavior?
In the interim, I hear crickets, as Achashveirish’s feast is re-enacted with Brother Esau. The recent Knesset abomination and like-minded outrages will surely bring upon us the Divine retribution promised by the neviim. The land can only tolerate so much filth before a terrible purging occurs. And these outrages are perpetrated in large measure by those who claim to be religious Jews. 

Where There Are No Men
Indeed there are no men, or very few of them, fighting this battle. There are few women also, but in a battle where only few fight, men are outnumbered by a handful of women. The silence of the Nation is staggering. The willful blindness of others a thing to weep over. Most tragic of all are those good Jews who agree with us, but are afraid to open their mouths. Sadly, this includes some very prestigious Torah scholars.

StandWithUs? The clarion call of hasbara impotence.  I disagree.
  • Don’t stand with those who enable and empower our physical and spiritual enemies with weak-kneed shtadlanus
  • Don’t stand with those who wouldn’t know how to defeat the Arab/Islamic savages if the solution hit them in the head. 
  • Don’t stand with those who align with our spiritual enemies out of fear of Islam and Arabs and a desperate need for friends. Even those of a false persuasion.
So what does one do if he gives a damn about preserving Jewish Identity? 
  1. Start by sharing this post and getting involved in educating Jews about what is occurring with our tax dollars in the Knesset, and the general spiritual violence occurring in the vineyards of Samaria.
  2.  Let it be known that the most recent phenomenon of relational evangelism throughout Eretz Yisrael is being aided and abetted with the help of religious Jews. Educate yourselves and spread the message. Inform your local Rabbis and religious leaders. Demand that they get involved.
  3. Above all, name names! This is not an amorphous vague faceless sin. The active players are often well-known, their personal involvement a badge of honor for them. If they wish to be known, let the public know the full story. A terrible tale of Jewish complicity and collusion with today’s clever evangelical missionaries.
So much more to come. Purim Sameach!

Monday, January 22, 2018

"Hasbara" Bullying: How Low Can They Go?

"Those who cannot debate, defame."-Rabbi Meir Kahane (May The Almighty avenge his blood)

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life."- Eric Hoffer

How low can one descend? How vile can people behave? In response to a recent back-and-forth, Israellycool’s David Lange posted this blood libel on Twitter:

Alas, I cannot respond because the bully blocked me. I felt ill when this was forwarded to me, because I consider an attack on my character as an act of war. Disagree with me if you will, hell, call me names. But don't lie about me. How monstrous to use one’s sick wife to garner support for an unrelated issue of disagreement dealing with matters which affect the entire Jewish nation. And how monstrous it is to try to demonize me, when anyone who truly knows me, will understand that I love every decent Jew. Even some of those who would stone me. Even David Lange who believes I am his enemy, and has more hatred towards me than he does fore Hananya Naftyali. First things first. The entire administrative staff is distraught over David Lange’s wife’s illness. We wish her a complete refuah shleimah (ad meah v’esrim) and our thoughts are with her during our tefilot. Heaven forbid that we should feel otherwise. And it is shameful that David Lange would so egregiously mischaracterize my actions and attempt to demonize me, because of a disagreement on an unrelated issue. I was prevented from responding to David via Twitter (where I intended to offer my best wishes for his wife’s health), since as I noted above, he blocked me from his account. I wasn’t going to bring up his wife’s illness on a public blog, but at this point when he hit below the belt in a most egregious fashion, I have no choice. David Lange is upset that I called Israellycool weak and nebbish on the issue of tackling missionaries. Perfectly reasonable that he would, considering his perspective is light years away from my own. Different sides of the playing field. He chooses to ignore Kay Wilson’s messianic past and Ryan Bellerose’s obnoxious, racist behavior. Fine. All of it is documented and we are not concerned with threats of lawsuits. But to accuse me of taking advantage of his wife’s illness? Shame on you.

David Lange, I wish only the best for your wife. From the deepest recesses of my heart. My colleagues feel likewise. Don’t you dare confuse our differences on other critical issues with insensitivity towards you or your wife. If you are still engaged in these issues, I certainly have the right and obligation to disagree. And to recirculate a well-researched article addressing critical issues of import for the Jewish nation. Don’t libel or slander me David. What you wrote is patently untrue. Debate the issues. How about reading the article first and considering the evidence? I can only imagine what hell you are going through. For this I wish you only the best. And a full recovery of health to your beloved wife, may she only know bracha in the future. Donny Fuchs

Sunday, January 21, 2018

IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand: Part II

Update 1-21-18: David Lange of "Israellycool" has resorted to harassing/cyber-stalking me on twitter and email in response to the article. Additionally, he threatened me with a lawsuit, though I am quoting his own words and citing documentation for everything. He subsequently seems to have blocked me from his Twitter account so that I cannot respond. Clearly, he is a bully who cannot debate, and so he resorts to defamation in the manner of his arrogant colleague Ryan Bellerose, who has truly engaged in libel/slander against myself and my colleagues on many occasions. No one from "Stop Hayovel" is impressed nor will we be intimidated by this faux-tough guy. And if necessary, we will fight back legally. 

We are not impressed with you, David. You aren't a tough guy. You are a petulant bully, and personally I have always eaten up bullies for breakfast. How about threatening the enemies of Israel? As far as using your real name, where do you get off thinking you can get away with harassment by hiding behind a pseudonym. Ha Ha! Real tough. #hasbaramafia #hasbaranebs 

Attention hasbara bully, David Lange (aka Aussie Davis/Dave), and like-minded folk:

The administrative staff at “Stop Hayovel” and "The Judean Hammer” will not be intimidated by the impotent efforts of unscrupulous hasbarites to silence us from exposing missionaries and their enablers. Israellycool's David Lange recently became unhinged after reading our article "IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand". True to hasbara form, Lange leveled false allegations of libel and threatened me with lawsuits. What Lange didn't do was address or respond to one single point of the article. Hasbarites don't deal well with facts. Their knee-jerk response to evidence is to insult and defame. And to threaten to sue you for expressing a dissenting position.

As a notorious bully, David Lange is unaccustomed to being punched back (metaphorically, of course) in the nose. Unlike him, we at the "Stop Hayovel" blog stand up for authentic Jewish ideals, and we document everything we disseminate.We do it with disregard for popular sentiments. Threats of baseless lawsuits do not intimidate us, since everything we write is well documented. If anything, we have been repeatedly maligned with libel/slander by the likes of Israellycool's Ryan Bellerose, and countless other hasbarites. David should understand one thing. We have documentation and witnesses (who will testify) of genuine libel and slander, and if pushed, we have powerful legal resources at our disposal.
We are recirculating the article that triggered David Lange (aka Aussie Davis, Aussie Dave?). Of course we are, David. What did you think we would do? the article is a treasure trove of hasbara's weakness, hypocrisy, and penchant for pandering. The thoughtful reader can learn a lot about some critical issues and dangerous personalities on the hasbara scene today. It is the epitome of chutzpah for Israellycool to take Hananya Naftali (a miserable missionary creature in his own right) to task, yet ignore Kay Wilson's messianic past which she continues to deny, and to praise CUFI's messianic pastor Dumisani Washington.

Here is the article which triggered the ever-irritable Lange. As an aside, Israellycool is about as "right-wing" as StandWithUs, and as nebbish as same:IsraellyCool's "Big" Stand

*Note to the reader: Notice how I originally pointed out Israellycool’s tendency to show greater anger at us than missionary Hananya Naftali. I am not a prophet, but I predicted Lange's reaction, because hasbara is ridiculously predictable.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Limp-Wristed LAVI

Limp-Wristed LAVI

"Hayovel" and the Wallers